Love at First Sight

Milkshake is, quite literally, a unicorn. As one of less than 100 pink pugs in the world, I truly believe it was fate that brought us together. He was only four weeks old the first time I saw him, snuggled into a bundle of blankets with his siblings. As the only puppy with blue eyes and a pink nose, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It really was love at first sight. He came home with me four weeks later, and we’ve been together ever since. People often say that dogs look like their owners, which is something that we hear a lot. I’d like to think I have a lot less wrinkles though!

Baby Milkshake
When Milkshake was a puppy, he didn't look like your typical cute chocolate box pug. He was a little cross eyed, a bit goobery, and had tons of character. He befriended my brother's bengal cat, Simba, and I would regularly find them rolling around on the carpet pulling each other's ears or curled up on the bed together, fast asleep. Since he was a baby, he has travelled everywhere with me. He feels at home on the road, in the car, or wherever I am. He definitely has a wanderlust spirit! He has now matured and grown into a very handsome puglet.

Meet Mami

Hi! I'm Maria, better known as Milkshake the Pug's mum. Before Milkshake came into my life, I travelled the world and then studied English Literature and French at the University of Leeds. After graduating, I found that Marketing was my true calling which led me to earn my Marketing Masters and pursue a successful career in the industry. After 10 years of working for global corporations in fast paced London, I decided to start my own media agency. I now help other entrepreneurs and start-ups make their dreams and business goals a reality. Life and work can get crazy at times, especially with Milkshake's schedule, but he keeps me centred!