Should I take my dog trick or treating this Halloween?
02 Nov, 2021
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Halloween can be a fun time not only for people, but puppers too! Aside from planning a Halloween costume for your pet, you may need to consider if they would enjoy the whole trick or treating experience. If your pet is nervous, does not enjoy wearing costumes or socialising with other dogs and children then you may feel that staying at home would be a better option for both of you. That doesn’t mean the Halloween fun has to stop there! There are so many fun things you can do at home with your dog to celebrate Halloween.

For the party animals out there, the tips below will keep you safe on your spooky adventures. Here are some top tips to enjoy celebrating Halloween while keeping your pet safe:
1. Before you embark on your trick or treat adventure, make sure your dog understands the commands “leave it” and “drop it”. As so many people will be consuming sweets and candy, it is more than likely that treats will drop on the floor which could be fatal if consumed by your dog. Chocolate and xylitol (found in peanut butter and other foods) is particularly toxic for dogs. It’s really important that they understand these commands to avoid any accidents.

2. If trick or treating around your neighbourhood, consider using a pet pram instead of walking your dog on a leash. You can clip the dog harness to the pram for safety and if there are too many people, this will provide a safe place where they won’t get overwhelmed. If you have a small dog, a pet sling, pet carry harness or backpack might be a better option. The fun part? You can decorate your pram or carrier of choice to get into the Halloween spirit, I’m thinking bat cave or pumpkin carriage.

3. Make sure you take water and snacks for your dog. Not everyone will provide dog friendly treats or may think that the treats they are giving out are dog friendly when they could be toxic for your dog. To be safe and not sorry, take a small bag of treats that your pet is already used to and loves. Remember, under no circumstances should they be given chocolate, raisins or anything sugary.

4. Choosing the right costume is important. A costume that is too small/tight fitting could irritate your dog and make it harder for them to breathe whilst a costume that is too big could trip them up. If your dog isn’t a big fan of wearing costumes, opt for something like a bat, angel or dragon wing harness which is practical and fun! Or if you are the creative type and love getting crafty, why not make a costume that perfectly fits your dog and their personality? Here are some DIY dog Halloween costume ideas to get you started.

5. If you are preparing treats and tricks for visitors and you want your dog to partake in the fun, make sure they are on a leash and they are used to welcoming visitors calmly. This may need a few days of training before the actual night of Halloween. If your dog is triggered by the doorbell or has a habit of rushing to the door and barking, jumping or scratching, you may want to consider putting up a gate so they don’t frighten visitors that aren’t used to dogs or putting up a sign to advise trick or treaters that there are dogs in the house. This will keep both your spooky guests and your pets safe.

6. Plan your trick or treat route in advance to make sure that your dog does not get overly tired. Even in a backpack or pram, when they have had enough you will want to get them home quickly. If you have ventured far from home, look at public transport routes in case you aren’t able to get an uber or taxi at short notice that will take dogs.

Following the above tips will ensure that you and your pup have the best trick or treating adventure this Halloween. Remember, the preparation with your dog before Halloween is just as important as enjoying yourselves on the day. Let me know in the comments what Halloween dog costume you have chosen for Halloween and what you have planned for you and your best friend!